
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Pastoral Wisdom for the Next Generation

Every generation must consider how to pass on their faith to the next. In the same way, every next generation must choose to learn from the faith of those who’ve gone before. As Paul encouraged Timothy to let no one despise him for his youth (1 Timothy 4:13), he also challenged Timothy to not despise the wisdom of his elders (1 Timothy 4:14). Both are needed.

I recently sat down with Christopher Ash of the Cornhill Training Course and Gary Millar of Queensland Theological College at Basics 2014 in Cleveland, Ohio. Both men served as pastors in local church ministry and now train the next generation for gospel ministry. We discussed pressing challenges for current students—especially related to lofty expectations for ministry success—and advice on preaching—particularly how to prepare with commentaries and stay focused on Jesus no matter the text. Keep reading

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