
Saturday, June 21, 2014

PCUSA endorses gay marriage

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) became one of the largest Christian denominations in America to endorse gay marriage when its General Assembly voted in Detroit yesterday (June 19) to allow pastors to conduct same-sex weddings and approved a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between "two people" rather than "a man and a woman."

The authorization for pastors to perform gay weddings takes effect immediately and applies only to ministers in the 19 states where the practice is legal. The measure passed by a vote of 317 (61 percent) to 238 (39 percent) and was classified as an "Authoritative Interpretation" of the PCUSA constitution.

A commissioner at a meeting of the General Assembly's Civil Union and Marriage Issues Committee raised a point of order regarding the Authoritative Interpretation, noting that it appeared to contradict the constitution it purported to interpret, the conservative Presbyterian Lay Committee (PLC) reported on its website. Currently the PCUSA constitution states, "Marriage is a civil contract between a woman and a man" as well as a "covenant" between "a man and a women" for Christians. The point of order, in parliamentary rules, was "not well taken."

Also in the Civil Union and Marriage Issues Committee meeting, a motion to read Scripture for 20 minutes before starting discussion of same-sex marriage was defeated 39-22, the PLC reported. Keep reading

See also
Conservative PCUSA Group 'Grieves' Vote Allowing Pastors to Bless Gay Marriages

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