
Saturday, June 07, 2014

Pointers for Preachers: Three Articles and One Video

I Don't Much Like the Preacher Either!

On the one hand, we have (above) how Jesus feels about people supporting the pastor and how He takes it personally when they don’t. To receive the messenger is to receive the One who sent him.

But on the other hand, the minister himself should take a lesson from Pastor MIckey Crane and laugh it off when people are suspicious, hesitant, or even negative. After all, as Brother Mickey said, when you stop and think about it….

I suggest three things… Keep reading

How to Overcome the Fear of Preaching (or Preaching Nerves)

Public speaking is commonly listed as one the greatest fears that people have.

All eyes are on you.

You are vulnerable.

You are exposed.

Your every word is critiqued.

Or worse, you could be ignored. Keep reading

50 Strategies for Better Preaching

Roy Peter Clark’s book, Writing Tools: 50 Essential Strategies for Every Writer, is an outstanding compendium of writing advice. If you preach the Word, a book like this will not give you compelling sermons of sound doctrine, but it will help to make good sermons better. Keep reading
A number of these principles may be applicable only to preaching in English. Pastors and lay preachers who regularly preach in another language beside English may want to develop a similar set of principles applicable to preaching in that language. Those who preach in English also need to be mindful that what may work in a written essay may not work in a spoken sermon and visa versa.
Andrew Sach: Emotional Preaching [Video]

Andrew Sach helps us think about how we preach the emotions of a passage. Watch now

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