
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Seven questions about “Once Saved, Always Saved”

“…and they shall never perish….” (John 10:28)

Can you unfry an egg? Then, after being saved–genuinely forgiven and accepted and transformed by the Holy Spirit of God into something far different from what you were, more than any hen’s egg ever dreamed possible–you cannot undo it.

Once saved, always safe.

To say otherwise, and to preach it, might be something akin to insulting the Holy Spirit.

It might be. Certainly, it’s worth giving this some serious thought.

My friend and her husband have been visiting around, trying to find the church where the Lord wants them. She sent me a message.

“We found a great church that we really like in a lot of ways. But we found out they believe a person can lose his salvation. That troubles us.”

She asked me to remind her what Scripture says on this subject. I was glad to do so. Keep reading

1 comment:

  1. "If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned."

    This verse seems to imply that a person, at one time, could have been in Christ ("in me"), but then choses to leave (through free will, I'm guessing) and, as a consequence is thrown away and burned."

    Don Merrion
    Littleton, Colorado, USA
