
Friday, June 20, 2014

H.L. Hussmann: Symbols of Native American Outreach

In the 19th century, Christian outreach to Native Americans often included attempts to assimilate the “savages” into White Anglo-Saxon culture, with changes of tradition taking priority over changes of heart.

Today, All Saints’ Episcopal Indian Mission in Minneapolis, Minn., is taking a different approach—creating a fusion of time-honored Christian worship and Native American customs and decor.

Every Sunday 12-30 Native Americans attend service where, instead of pews, they sit in a circle. Keep reading

See also
To Give the Future: Dying Church Gifts Building to New Congregation
A Call to Action: Secular Young Adults Return to Church With a Purpose
Artistic Faith: Vineyard Community Church
New Life for Small Churches: Brand New Church
Archery Hits the Mark With Youth

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