
Saturday, June 07, 2014

The Hardest Thing A Leader Says…The Last 2%

Your work is not meeting expectations and must improve for you to continue working here.”

“The way you are treating me and others on the staff is unacceptable.”

“When you come to meetings late and unprepared, it reflects poorly on you, your ministry, and me as a leader.”

“As I reviewed your receipts from the most recent conference you attended, I saw some expenditures that caused me concern, and I want to discuss them further with you.”

These are a few “last 2%” statements. Last 2% statements are the most important things we need to say in a conversation in order to make it effective – but often, they never get said.

We talk around them. We say the other 98% which hints at them. But when the meeting is over, we find that we never said clearly that one thing we really needed the other person to hear. And when that happens, the behavior or issue in question will often fester and reappear. Keep reading

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