
Friday, June 27, 2014

Thom Rainer: Prayer and Healthy Churches

On December 27, 2010, one of my favorite people in the world went to be with the Lord. Mrs. Nell Bruce had anticipated this homecoming almost all of her 90 years. Her relationship with her Lord was close and vibrant because she had conversations with him on an ongoing basis.

Nell Bruce was an incredible woman of prayer.

I am honored and humbled that she chose to intercede in prayer on my behalf for the last sixteen years of her life. I know that my life and ministry were incredibly blessed and protected because she spoke to the Father on my behalf.

“It’s Really That Simple”

Mrs. Nell followed my writings and interest in the health of American churches. One day she pulled me aside and spoke in her usual blunt but loving way. “Brother Thom, I know you have a keen interest how churches can be healthy. Let me tell you straightforward what the answer is. God’s people have to pray more. If we pray, God hears and answers. If we pray, he opens the door for people to hear about Jesus. If we pray, we don’t have the time or the desire to fight and feud.”

She paused for a moment and then spoke again with that twinkle in her eye: “You know it’s really that simple.” Keep reading

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