
Monday, June 02, 2014

Want a Great Church? Emphasize What You’re For, Not What You’re Against

No one ever built a great church by emphasizing what they’re against. (Well, no one but Jesus ever built any church, but you get what I mean.)

After all, the word “Gospel” means good news.

What you’re against may be really bad. And opposing it may be very important.

But what you’re against isn’t good news.

There’s no salvation in it, because it’s possible for people to agree completely on your list of sins and still not have a relationship with Jesus.

But churches keep doing do it. And in my experience, Small Churches are especially susceptible to this way of thinking. Too many of us beat people up when they come to church, then take the moral high ground, claiming “that’s why our church is small! No one wants to hear the truth anymore!”

No, that’s not what makes most Small Churches small. There are plenty of Small Churches that also happen to be great churches. And there are plenty of big churches that spend a lot of time ranting against sins, too – both real and imagined.

But no church, large or small, ever became great that way. Because even if we convince others to be against what we’re against, it doesn’t guarantee that they’ll be for what we’re for. Keep reading

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