
Saturday, July 05, 2014

3 Needs for Missional Communities

We are in the very beginning of what is appearing to be a beautiful summer here in New York. Summer starts a little later in NYC than other areas of the country as school ends in late June. New York, just like your city, has a summer rhythm of life that slows down just a little and enjoys the season immensely. Movies in the park, concerts all over the city, summer Fridays, trains to the beach, and many afternoons relaxing in Central Park await us this summer. NYC is always a magical place, but even more so in the summer.

Churches in the summertime typically mirror this summer rhythm of slowing down, enjoying summer fun, and being less programmed as many people in the church take vacations. While missional communities are not a church program, each church must consider how they encourage and lead their communities to approach the summer.

Many churches, including ours, encourage their communities to take a “break”. “Break” is in quotations because you don’t take a break from community because you don’t take a break from being a Christian. You do take a very healthy break from many of the scheduled, more formal aspects of the community (which may not have to be there in the first place). So.... Keep reading

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