
Monday, July 14, 2014

4 Considerations in Leading Older Staff Members

I have always attempted to surround myself with the best possible people for the church that our budget can afford. It hasn’t mattered to me whether they were old or young in years of experience, I look for people with an aptitude for leadership, a love for people, and progress. After someone passes the character test, a fit into our culture is just as important to me as any other factor.

In church planting, sometimes our budget forced us to look for people willing to take entry level pay. That’s all we could afford. Now that I’m leading an established church, I’ve found myself surrounded by people who have been in ministry much longer than I have. Both scenarios have worked.

Some pastors seem to believe they have to be the oldest staff member on their team. I disagree. In fact, I think they could be missing out on some of the best staff members if they only look for younger leaders.

How do you lead people when they outrank you in years of age and experience?

Here are four considerations. Keep reading

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