
Saturday, July 19, 2014

4 Leadership Lessons from Nehemiah

Leadership tends to define itself better in person than on a page. In recent decades leadership has vaulted to the forefront of organizational discussion, classroom research and publishing houses across the world. Books on the topic abound. In their work, “Classical Leadership,” Michelle Doyle and Mark Smith write, “What is leadership? It seems to be one of those qualities that you know when you see it, but is difficult to describe. There are almost as many definitions as there are commentators.”

Even so, both the professor and layperson can readily identify great leadership and great leaders. Leaders attract followers. They move them toward a common cause or vision. People respond to leadership. But how this happens can look many ways, leaving us with a host of questions. Are leaders born? Are leaders molded by the moment? Are leadership traits universal? How does the leader’s context impact his or her methods? What is the difference between leading and managing?

There are no simple answers to these questions. But looking at the life of someone who led with excellence can help us draw a few conclusions.

Nehemiah, the great biblical leader, offers four key lessons in leadership for any believer looking for guidance. Keep reading

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