
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

An Example of Leading from the Pulpit

I wrote a blog on “Leading from the Pulpit” because our executive vice president at LifeWay, Brad Waggoner, kept asking me to do so. I told him that he should, but he doesn’t really have an online presence. He has tweeted twice, once on accident and once about a restaurant in Missouri that throws rolls at you.

The reason Brad kept asking me is that he has sensed, and I agree with him, that some preachers, out of a pure desire to preach the Word, are failing to lead in their preaching. Their right commitment to handle the text faithfully has caused them to equate handling the text carefully with only handling the text. Thus, they act as if they are unaware of pain and needs in their congregations. They fail to give overarching direction as to where the Lord is leading the church. Keep reading

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