
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Connecting Students to God's Mission (Part 1): Look to Jesus

Connecting students to God's mission first requires us to know the mission of the Son of God.

When we begin talking about mission, many people think of mission trips. That's not a bad thing. One of my most formative experiences was a youth mission trip among the poor in Prestonburg, Kentucky.

Mission trips can be helpful to us in considering the mission of God and potentially can lead students to think more deeply about their roles in the mission. However, mission (not plural) is bigger than trips, but not so big that students cannot understand it or be involved. If students can learn algebra at school, they can learn theology at church. If they are learning theology but not putting it into practice, we are failing them. Maybe we haven't challenged our students enough in terms of missional living.

To help them understand mission and put it into practice, we need to consider what the mission is, how we might point students toward it, how they can begin being involved right now, and how we can prepare them for an entire life on mission. Keep reading

See also
Connecting Students to God's Mission (Part 2): Sending Students

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