
Monday, July 21, 2014

Daniel Darling: 5 Keys for Guiding Your People Through Cultural Conflict

When your members walk through the church doors this Sunday, they will arrive after a week spent living in a changing American culture. Their thoughts are not only being shaped through a variety of media — talk radio, social media, and television — but also through water-cooler conversations at work and dinner-table discussions.

Christians living in a fallen world are confronted by a variety of choices. How should we think through the moral and political issues? More importantly, how can God’s people, out of a desire for the flourishing of their neighbors and the advancing of God’s kingdom, winsomely shape the discussions going on in their spheres of influence?

It’s not only the pastors who are tasked with driving the discussions at church, it’s the church leaders who interact often with the average layperson. They carry a sober responsibility to steward their office well, to bring to bear the gospel on the questions brothers and sisters in the Lord are facing each day. Keep reading

photo credit: ~Brenda-Starr~ via photopin cc

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