
Saturday, July 05, 2014

Four Growing Types of Church Revitalizations

I am an obnoxious optimist on congregations across our nation. And though I’ve been a purveyor of pretty dismal information about the state of our churches, I am seeing more reasons to be optimistic. Admittedly the information I have is more anecdotal than statistical; however there are still some key signs that give me hope.

One of the greatest signs of hope is the growing interest in the revitalization of churches. While I am encouraged to see the continued interest in church planting, I am also heartened to learn of an apparent upsurge in interest—even passion—for revitalizing churches.

I am hearing from Millennials who are telling me about their sense of calling to these churches. I am hearing from Boomers who plan to dedicate their fourth quarter of ministry to church revitalization. And I am among many researchers and resource providers who are dedicating more and more of their time to this endeavor. I am already in the process of finalizing the content of a multi-week video conference on the key practical steps of church revitalization.

So what type church revitalizations are taking place today? I see at least four major categories.... Keep reading

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