
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Here's an idea... what if we just invited non-Christians to sit down and read the Bible with us?

Surveys show that many people in our community have a high regard for the Bible and think it's interesting. But they also find it hard to understand, so they tend not to read it much, if at all.

You, me and the Bible What does that mean?

It means that if you ask a non-Christian friend if they'd like to read the Bible with you to try to understand it's central ideas, there's a very good chance they'll say "Yes".

That’s where You, Me and the Bible comes in – a new resource to help friends sit down together and discover the central message of the Bible.

It’s the simplicity of 2 Ways to Live blended with the interaction of One-to-One Bible Reading. Learn more

Matthias Media (USA)

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