
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

How Your Church Can Reverse a Negative Reputation

“If it weren’t for those __________ churches…”

I will never forget that statement.

I was in my mid-twenties serving on a board of the local non-profit. We were discussing how we could raise more support for the organization.

I had participated most of my working career (which was obviously short at that point), financially contributing personally and helping them raise funds. Every year, we had the same discussion. How could we raise more money to do more good?

In the middle of our discussion, a greatly respected and leading businessman in our community made that statement. “If it weren’t for those _______churches, we would have plenty of money. All churches do is take from the community, serve their own interests, and rob the community of needed money for charity.”

The room instantly echoed and agreed with his bold remark. I was young and intimidated, so I said nothing.

Honestly, however, those words stung. Keep reading

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