
Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Meet the Non-Christians Who Take the Bible Literally, Word for Word

Only half of non-Christians think the Bible is a book of fables. So who are the ones who think every word of it is directly from God?

recent Gallup poll on Americans' views of the Bible got fairly broad media attention, though it wasn't entirely clear what made the poll newsworthy. Was it that "Most Americans see the Bible as the Word of God"? Hard to see the news there—that's been true for as long as Gallup has been asking the question, and it remains true of 75 percent of the country.

But New York Times columnist Charles Blow still said he was "shocked and fascinated" by the religious literalism found by the poll. "What worries me is that some Americans seem to live in a world where facts can't exist," he wrote. Keep reading

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