
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Millenials: Reversing the Departure of a Generation

As a blessed father of two millennial daughters, I have a vital interest in seeing this generation reached, equipped and empowered to impact their church and this world for Jesus Christ.

Millennials, those born between 1980 and 2000, have come of age. Adult millennials are college and graduate students, have families, own businesses and lead churches throughout the U.S. They bring with them a fresh worldview, while older generations scratch their collective heads at the shockwaves brought on by the new kids on the block.

The generation, in the end, likely will be just as great and just as flawed as previous generations. Presently, though, they pose a challenge to local churches that is straining the wits of church leaders. Not on purpose, mind you. They are who they are, the creation of boomer helicopter parents of the 1980s and '90s. Keep reading

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