
Thursday, July 17, 2014

New Audio: 'Homosexuality and the Bible: Getting the Story Straight'

The New Testament’s voice on the issue of homosexuality is now in question, even among many in our own churches, who have heard repeated (and often sophisticated) revisionist arguments. Following the lead of the academy, the mainstream culture is quickly adopting many of these arguments as well.

What does the New Testament really say, and how should we understand the issues at stake? Did Jesus ever address the topic? Was Paul familiar with the sort of consensual, committed same-sex relationships we see today or was he merely indicting exploitative aberrations (e.g., rape, pederasty, rampant promiscuity)? Did the apostle have a category for what we now call “orientation”? Might he have disliked homosexuality because he feared it threatened male, patriarchal dominance of women? Keep reading

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