
Thursday, July 10, 2014

South Carolina Continuing Episcopalians to Bless Same Sex Relationships

The Episcopal Church in South Carolina, a group of "continuing Episcopalians" within the Diocese of South Carolina, has embraced a rite that would bless same-sex relationships. Its leaders are involved in a legal battle over property against a diocese that broke away from the denomination.

"Our covenantal life with God is expressed in relationships of commitment and faithfulness, including those of same-sex couples," a document from the group about the rrelatively new rite states. "It is the Church's joy to celebrate these relationships as signs of God's love, to pray for God's grace to support couples in their life together, and to join with these couples in our shared witness to the gospel in the world."

The Rt. Rev. Charles G. vonRosenberg, bishop of The Episcopal Church in South Carolina, sent out a letter Tuesday allowing for priests to perform the rite known as "The Witnessing and Blessing of a Lifelong Covenant." Keep reading
This is not a surprising development. But towing the party line and supporting denominational leaders' liberal agenda is not going to help this group to re-establish the Episcopal Church in South Carolina. If denominational headquarters is financially subsidizing the group and paying all or part of vonRosenberg's salary, it may keep the money flowing. 

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