
Tuesday, July 01, 2014

The Confluence of Theology, History, and Philosophy

I’ve discovered something in the overlap of teaching Western Civilization at Fruitland Baptist Bible College and teaching at my local church—something that has formed my ministry perspective and challenged my intellectual boundaries. Here’s my discovery—too many Christians and preachers fail to contextualize biblical truth in light of the historical and philosophical developments of our age. As a result, I believe proper application of theological prescriptions deriving from the authority of Scripture make far too little headway in today’s Western culture.

I think it was Francis Schaeffer who argued (and I paraphrase) that the field of the theology was the last intellectual sphere to address significant philosophical and historical developments. In other words, the church has been late in addressing the prevailing intellectual and moral challenges of our age. After teaching young college students and interacting church members over the years, I’m convinced Schaeffer was correct. That is why I firmly believe we as church leaders, pastors, ministers, and theological students must read broadly and contextualize theology and scriptural application in our modern age. Keep reading

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