
Friday, July 25, 2014

Tim Brister: Do Not Covet

You and I were made to desire God.

In God’s wisdom, He created us so that we would put Him on display through our joyful delight in Him. He wants all of our wants to terminate in His fullness so that we would not lack in anything. When our lives are truly aligned with this reality, we can confess with our lives, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.”

But for so much of our lives, this is sadly not the case. We have believed the lie that God’s goodness is not bound up in His governance and rule over our lives. We question His promises and wrestle with His providence. We convince ourselves that the broken cisterns of the world can really satisfy the longing of our hearts while we fail to drink deep from the fountain of delight in God (Jer. 2:12-13). The Bible says we have sinned against God. We are restless for satisfaction by wanting things to satisfy us in ways that only God can. Keep reading

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