
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

3 Opportunities for Gospel Outreach in Public Schools

In the whirlwind of today’s culture, it is easy to focus on mounting threats to religious freedom, which may lead us to believe that doors of opportunity are closing fast. While many of these issues need to be engaged, freedoms still abound that often go untapped by Christians, especially in the realm of public schools.

This article is not about what most Christians would like the law to be; it is about what the law already is and what we should do about it. Almost 90 percent of American youth—from countless races and backgrounds—attend public schools, where they find little natural exposure to the gospel. The need is great, and the call of the Great Commission compels us to go and reach this important population (Matt. 28:15). This is especially important given many doors of opportunity currently available to reach public school students. Read more

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