
Friday, August 01, 2014

5 Steps to Provide Direction to Your Bible Study Groups

Several years ago my oldest son began his college education. The one question the academic advisor never asked him was, “So, what courses would you like to take?” She never said something like, “Here at our university, just take whatever you like and we’ll give you a degree in something at the end of your 120th hour of class.” Students don’t tell the university what they are going to study … the university has leaders and experts who determine the courses of study and they tell the students! The dog wags the tail, not the other way around.

In some churches, though, the tail wags the dog. In some churches, Bible study groups and group leaders have been permitted to self-determine what they study. I actually attended one such group while visiting churches, looking for a new church home after a job relocation. One Sunday morning, a well-meaning group leader stumbled into class late, threw open his Bible, and said the following words (no exaggeration).... Read more

See also
Find the Bible Study That's Right for Your Groups

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