
Monday, August 25, 2014

Boko Haram Declares 'Islamic Caliphate' in Captured Christian Town in Nigeria

Nigerian terrorist group Boko Haram has declared an "Islamic Caliphate" in the predominantly Christian town of Gwoza, which it seized earlier in August and slaughtered over 100 civilians.

"Thanks be to Allah who gave victory to our brethren in (the town of) Gwoza and made it part of the Islamic caliphate," Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau says in a 52-minute video obtained by AFP on Sunday, which also apparently shows the execution of civilians.

The Nigerian military has rejected the claim, stating that the "sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Nigerian state is still intact."

The Islamic extremist group has waged a war on the central government and targeted Nigeria's Christians and moderate Muslims for over five years, bombing churches, schools, villages and government buildings; killing pastors and entire congregations; kidnapping schoolchildren by the hundreds. Read more

See also
ISIS an 'Incredible' Fighting Force, US Special Ops Sources Say
UN Warns of Possible Massacre by ISIS in Northern Iraq; 'Revenge' Bombings Kill 35
This development comes as no surprise. ISIS' military successes are inspiring Boko Haram to intesify its own efforts to establish an Islamic state in Nigeria. Both ISIS and Boko Haram face weak opponents. The international community has yet to come up with an effective response to ISIS and Boko Haram.

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