
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Chuck Warnock: Successful Small Churches Have Spiritual Vitality

Explain the difference between small churches that are thriving as small churches, that are doing great ministry, that are really spiritually enriching their attendees and the community, and those that are flailing. Is the difference in programming, mindset, an understanding of the community, or something else?

Small churches that are successful, in my opinion, are churches that have spiritual vitality. These are the churches that seem alive in worship, exhibit a contagious enthusiasm for whatever it is they are doing, and know what they are cut out to do. Now all that sounds very general, and it is, but it's also true. Regardless of programs, regardless of community setting, regardless of size, the small churches that succeed do so because they know why they exist and are committed to expressing their purpose with spiritual enthusiasm. This kind of spiritual vitality is more than attitude or mindset, although that's part of it. These churches are like the small Christian communities of the book of Acts—they exist as the Spirit of God permeates their fellowship. This spiritual confidence comes from the congregation's sense of God's presence in their midst, calling, guiding, equipping, and empowering them for ministry. Read more

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