
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Debate Worth Having: How Singlehanded Is God's Grace?

Did you hear about the Calvinism debate? No, not that powwow in the corner of a seminary cafeteria near you. I mean the one this Wednesday night in Chicago. Hosted by Sojourn Network and moderated by Christianity Today editor Mark Galli, the debate on August 27 will feature Daniel Montgomery and Timothy Paul Jones squaring off against Austin Fischer and Brian Zahnd on the topic of the former duo’s new book PROOF: Finding Freedom Through the Intoxicating Joy of Irresistible Grace (Zondervan). Regardless of where you lean, the doctrines of grace are not an irrelevant subject to discuss. Indeed, what we believe about God’s sovereignty and human responsibility in salvation will have profoundly practical implications in our lives.

I talked with Montgomery (pastor of Sojourn Community Church in Louisville) and Jones (professor at Southern Seminary) about whether Spurgeon was wrong to call Calvinism the gospel, the beauty and practicality of grace, advice for young pastors, and more. At the end of the interview we've included the livestream video for the debate. So if you can't make it to Wrigleyville in Chicago to see the debate in person, tune in at 7:30 p.m. CDT on Wednesday night. Read more

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