
Saturday, August 09, 2014

Does a Black Pastor Have to Plant a Black Church?

It seems more and more African-Americans are planting churches. These men, their spouses, and the teams that join them are endeavoring to make disciples by starting new congregations through various networks, denominations, and even independently. For this we should rightly celebrate and praise God.

But the common assumption for a black church planter is that he will plant a black or multi-ethnic church. On one level, this is an understandable expectation because in some senses, it is easier for a racial or ethnic minority to attract other racial and ethnic minorities. This is not to say that white church planters and their teams cannot engage a diverse array of peoples, but they may face bigger cultural gaps — whether perceived or actual.

But what if a black church planter doesn’t plant a black church? What if his church isn’t multi-ethnic? What if he pastors a majority white or an all-white congregation? Is this black church planter a failure? Read more

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