
Friday, August 22, 2014

Don’t Let Your Comfort Zone Kill Your Church [Video]

When I don’t have to watch lectures for class over my lunch hour, I like watching TED Talks. If you’ve never heard of TED Talks, learn about them here. Though some raise healthy cautions about the TED Talk concept, they get me thinking, which is always good (and dangerous).

Last year I watched a great TED Talk by Margaret Heffernan, world-renowned writer and speaker (among other things), on the topic of “willful blindness.” The video is at the bottom of the post if you’re interested.

What is “willful blindness,” you ask? Ms. Heffernan defines it, in short, as “information that you should know and could know, but somehow manage not to know.” It is a legal term, basically saying that you have chosen not to know.

It’s everywhere, she says, citing a number of different cases of corruption and abuse in business, religion, government, and otherwise. Read more

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