
Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Ed Stetzer: Mission, Self, and God's Glory (Part 1)

Mission is the opposite of self. That sounds simple and obvious, yet the sad truth is that we revert to non-mission—or self-centered mission—very simply and very obviously.

The ease with which we slide into self-centered mission means requires us to pay constant attention to be sure our ministries are focused on God's glory and mission. We must be diligent about centering mission around God—and ruthless about pushing ourselves out of the center and into orbit around him.

Ascribing our self-centered mission to God is deceptively easy because we are never not worshiping. Idolatry comes very easy to us. Exodus 32 records how quickly the Israelites asked for an idol after Moses' departure. John Calvin cautioned: "The human heart is a factory of idols. ... Every one of us is, from his mother's womb, expert in inventing idols." We are constantly creating things to worship instead of God. Read more

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