
Saturday, August 02, 2014

Engaging an Ever-Changing Culture With a Never-Changing Gospel

Avoid church culture pendulum swings—concern yourself with proclaiming the gospel.

People have a tendency to get willfully locked into their way of doing ministry.

In so doing, we end up loving the particular way that we do church more than the particular people our church has been called to reach.

I've said many times before that if the 1950s were to make a comeback, there would be all too many churches who could go on without missing a beat. The good news is that they found a ministry strategy that works. The bad news is that the only people they reach now are seventy years old.

People have a tendency to get willfully locked into their way of doing ministry.Before long, the ministry strategy is as old as the congregation and the church that once thrived with innovative ways to reach their community has now shriveled to a handful of people that have completely lost touch with the surrounding neighborhood.

Now, church is more than a body that engages its community. It should have certain biblical marks and should be focused on eternal purposes. However, it must also must take the faith it believes and live it out in context. Read more

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