
Thursday, August 07, 2014

How Men Will Help Catalyze the Next Evangelistic Revolution!

The sound of the explosion was heard up to 3,000 miles away in Perth Australia.

That is on the ground reports following the Krakatoa volcano eruption in Indonesia in 1883. Its “blast zone” was felt worldwide because of a strange event within the volcano which occurred as it was undergoing a “normal” explosion. So what happened you say?

The bottom line is this: something got inside it. Tuck that thought away for now as I give you a twenty second lesson in volcanology. Don’t worry. You can steal the illustration later at no charge!

As Krakatoa’s walls began to rupture after its first two explosions, ocean water entered the magamatic chambers of the volcano creating the conditions for a “phreatomagmatic” (pronounced free-atto-mag-matic) event. This was the secret power behind Krakatoa’s unusual force and displacement powers. In simpler terms: the mother of all pressure cookers was created, contained, and then carried outward at the moment when the power below overcame the pressure above holding it down.

The result: a super-explosion that, quite literally, rocked the world. Read more

See also
Act Like Men: What It Means to Fight Like a Man

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