
Friday, August 15, 2014

Jim Thomas: A Thriving Small Church Honors the Past Without Living in It

Explain the difference between small churches that are thriving as small churches, that are doing great ministry, that are really spiritually enriching their attendees and the community, from those that are flailing. Is the difference in programming, mindset, an understanding of the community or something else?

One of the challenges in older small churches is the way they respond to the past. The wise pastor finds a way to honor the past without living in the past. He gives the people a passion for the future. A small church that is growing has a passion that you do not see in struggling churches. The people see a genuine future. I tell my congregation that I believe the best days of our ministry are in front of us. The day I no longer believe our best days are ahead is the day I will resign and move on to another ministry. I think too many pastors have stopped believing the best days are coming, and they have moved from being a shepherd to being a hireling. Their ministries are paying the price. A good shepherd is leading the people toward the next green pasture and is not allowing the sheep to stay in one place too long. Read more

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