
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Muslim Women Joining ISIS to Offer Sexual Jihad to Comfort Fighters; Teenage Girl Describes Her Experience as Brutal Rape

Muslim women sympathetic to the cause of the Islamic State, better known as ISIS, are reportedly offering up their bodies for sex to comfort militant members of the group in a practice known as Jihad Al-Nikah, or sexual jihad. According to a 16-year-old girl who was repeatedly subjected to the practice, it is nothing more than rape that made her so sick, she passed out. Read more
This practice shows how little Islamic extremists and their sympathizers value women as human beings, using religion to exploit them to gratify their own lust or to satisfy the lust of others. They will demand that women conceal themselves under a burka and will stone a woman for alleged adultery but see no wrong in turning Muslim women into sex slaves to be raped repeatedly by so-called "holy warriors."

ISIS is not just evil incarnate but an servant of Satan. For who else would take men who already suffer from a deceitful heart and a depraved nature and encourage them to do such great wickedness. For Satan roams about like a lion, seeking those whom he can devour. He has been a murderer and a liar from the beginning. He seeks to create misery and suffering whenever and wherever he can.

What we see being played out is indeed a "holy war," but it is not a struggle of mujahideen against infidel, lesser jihad. It is a spiritual war of the forces of darkness against God in which men blinded by Satan resist the one true God, mistakenly believing themselves fighting in God's own cause. Unless they repent and turn away from their wickedness and trust in Jesus, God's Chosen One, for their salvation, what awaits them is not paradise but sheets of fire, an eternity of God's wrath without hope of any reprieve or respite.

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