
Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Scott Slayton: Wanted- Anonymous, Plodding Church Planters

Church planting has been in vogue for the better part of the last decade. This has been partly aided by many success stories of men who parachuted into a city, started a church in his living room, and saw attendance explode almost overnight. These stories are known by enough people that it feels like this is the norm in church planting. Every man who thinks about planting a church thinks that they will move to town, put up a couple of signs, and see hundreds walk through the door on the first Sunday. These men are convinced that their preaching is going to be the most compelling thing that people have ever heard, that their “worship experience” is going to wow people in a way that has never happened, and that the community is going to flock to their new church in droves.

These stories are the exception and not the rule. I know more men who have had to close their churches than I do men who have seen the kind of growth that gets them invited to speak at conferences. Everyone hears that this might be the case, but no one thinks that it is going to be them.

We need more churches in the United States. We need a lot more churches in the United States. Millions of people don’t know Jesus and millions more claim to, but have no connection to a local church. In many places in our nation, there are not enough churches to reach the people in their cities. Therefore we need an influx of new churches who are going to engage their communities with the Gospel and who will plant more churches who will do the same. Read more

See also
Scott Slayton: What I Wish I Would Have Known About Church Planting Before I Got Started

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