
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Sermon Prep 101 [Video]

Whether you've been preaching 30 days or 30 years, every new Sunday brings unexpected dangers and blessings. Questions abound: Will God show up? Did I understand the text? Why didn't I devote more time to studying? How will this message change someone today?

Preaching isn't something anyone can master, because the goal is to allow God in his Word to master the preacher. Nevertheless we desire to grow in our passion and ability to proclaim the glory and truth revealed in the Scriptures. So we asked three TGC Council members—Bryan Chapell, Mike Bullmore, and Alistair Begg—to walk us through the glory and challenge of sermon preparation, which starts for the next week the moment you say the benediction after the service ends on Sunday.

Watch and listen as these ministry veterans discuss the danger of preaching a dead or distant man's sermons and the need to integrate homiletics instruction with biblical theology. And look out for Begg's catchy method that ends with praying himself hot. Watch now

See also
Sermon Preparation [Video]

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