
Monday, August 11, 2014

Vicar of Baghdad: We need military action NOW

I have just returned from a secret visit to Qaraqosh – once the largest Christian town in Iraq, but no longer.

Today, Qaraqosh stands 90 per cent empty, desecrated by the gunmen of the fanatical Islamic State terror group now in control. The majority of the town’s 50,000 people have fled, fearing that, like other Christians in this region, they will be massacred.

The militants, in a further act of sacrilege, have established their administrative posts in the abandoned churches. Read more

See also
Baptists called on to provide aid to Iraqi Christians, Yazidi Kurds
Crisis in Iraq - five things you can ACTUALLY do to help
The list of atrocities committed by ISIS is growing. There are reports of children beheaded in a park in Mosel and their heads impaled on stakes, as well as women kidnapped and sold into sexual slavery and forced marriages. While the credibility of the reports of child beheadings has been questioned, the accounts of women kidnapped and sold appear to be true. Those seeking information on the latest developments should be aware of the Internet propagandists who are endeavoring to portray ISIS as a movement dedicated to helping to Sunni groups regain territory they lost as the result of US intervention in Iraq. These propagandists present a sanitized view of the aims of the movement that plays down or ignores its aspirations to dominate the Middle East and the world and to impose its particular brand of Islam upon humankind, its disregard of even the most basic of human rights, the brutality of its character, and the savagery of its actions. ISIS is not only a serious threat to Christians and other religious minorities in the Mid-East, ISIS and the blood-thirsty Islamic terrorists that it is attracting represent a major threat to national security of China, Iran, Russia, Turkey, the United States, and other countries and to world peace. Americans need to put pressure on the Obama administration and Congress to take more decisive action against this threat. 

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