
Saturday, August 09, 2014

Why We Need To Make Friends With Other Pastors

“Comparison is the thief of joy.” Have you ever heard that quote by Theodore Roosevelt? I find it to be true in my own life, and if you think about it for a moment, I think you’ll find it’s true in yours as well.

Comparison is such a natural tendency for people, and as pastors, we’re not exempt.

Have you ever found yourself thinking about another pastor’s church or hearing from someone how great another pastor’s sermons are? Have you ever found yourself wishing your building was just a little bit more like theirs or that your church had as much money as the one down the road?

Sadly, it’s easy to find ourselves comparing ourselves to other pastors and our churches to others around us. It’s easy to look at other churches and want a competitive edge or to look at other pastors through the corner of your eye, feeling like they’re the competition.

Not only does this comparison and competition steal our joy, it also steals one of our greatest resources: other pastors. Read more

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