
Tuesday, September 02, 2014

11 Preaching and Pastoring Lessons Learned from My Mentor

Dr. Mathis has modeled not just the leadership principles I addressed in part one of this series, but also modeled skills and competency in pastoring and preaching. As a Sr. Pastor, Preacher Greg has prepared every one of his associate staff members to lead, preach, and pastor the congregation. In fact, his view is that his associates help him pastor.

He offered these two non-negotiable expectations to us as associate pastors. First, you must be prepared to preach weekly and deliver a word from God to your congregation. Second, you must minister to people in times of crises.

Preacher Greg is not minimizing pastoral ministry merely to preaching and crisis ministry. But he was reminding us that pastoral ministry cannot be effective without preaching the Word faithfully and being available in crises situations. You can either destroy or build your leadership credibility by your readiness to preach and minister in crises situations or by your failure in these areas.

Following are 11 of the preaching and pastoring lessons I’ve learned from my mentor. Read more

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