
Thursday, September 11, 2014

3Tips on Leading Laterally

When most people hear the word leadership, they think of the relationship between the leader and those he/she is responsible for, serves, and shepherds. But when we understand leadership as Oswald Sanders describes it—as “influencing others”—we must include “leading laterally.”

By lateral leadership I am referring to leading your peers, those you serve alongside but don’t report to, and they don’t report to you either. Lateral leadership may be one of the most challenging aspects of leadership because it is not always clear who is responsible for the decision, who should initiate, or who should take the lead. Lateral leadership is definitely more art than science.

Lateral leadership is the Achilles heel of some leaders. Because they lack the ability to influence, garner support, and relate well to their peers, they are unable to move things forward as their area of responsibility is more interconnected to the entire organization/ministry than they acknowledge.

So how does one lead well laterally? Read more

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