
Monday, September 29, 2014

Changing the Gospel by Adding to It

The statement, “I love my wife” is completely changed if something is added to the end of the statement. For example, “I love my wife” is a very different message than “I love my wife when she cooks my favorite meal.” Adding “when they behave” radically alters the statement “I love my daughters.”

Addition radically changes a message.

In the Book of Galatians, Paul’s introduction to the churches in Galatia is distinct from his other letters. He typically greets the churches with expressions of his thankfulness for the people, his prayers for them, or his joy that they are in partnership in the gospel. Not so in his letter to the churches at Galatia. After reminding them of the gospel, he quickly moves to rebuking them for deserting God by deserting the gospel. Deserting one equates with deserting the other. Read more

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