
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Creating a Discipleship Culture in the Local Church

Albert Einstein wrote, “Out of complexity, find simplicity.”

This quote was the basis for the immensely helpful book Simple Church by Thom Rainer and Eric Geiger. At one time, it seemed as if every pastor was not only reading the book but also implementing the four-fold elements: clarity, movement, alignment, and focus. After extensive research, the authors uncovered this simple process among vibrant churches.

Before a pastor can cultivate a culture of discipleship, he must clear up any ambiguity with the term. Sadly, we have many people using the same discipleship terms but speaking a different language. Rainer and Geiger define clarity as, “the ability of the process to be communicated and understood by the people … If the process is not clearly defined so that everyone is speaking the same language, there is confusion and frustration.”¹ Read more

See also
3 Key Descriptors of a Modern-Day Disciple

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