
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Episcopal Church’s Katharine Jefferts Schori will not seek re-election

Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, the first woman elected to head a national branch of the worldwide Anglican Communion, announced Tuesday (Sept. 23) that she will not seek a second nine-year term in office.

Her departure will likely set off debates over her legacy and the future of the 2 million-member denomination. Read more

See also
Statement from the Presiding Bishop announcing she will not seek a second term
While I am not expecting this to happen, it would be an interesting development if TEC chose a moderate presiding bishop and made a course correction. It would in effect rob the Anglican Church in North America of its reason for existence.

Will Presiding Bishop Schori's successor continue her policy of litigation is the question on the minds of TEC watchers. Or will her successor adopt a more conciliatory policy toward dioceses and congregations that have broken away from TEC?

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