
Wednesday, September 03, 2014

For Those Who Are Struggling With How the Church Is Changing

The church is changing.

For many church leaders, that change isn’t happening fast enough. For others, the changes are happening too fast. For yet another group, the pace isn’t the problem – they believe the church is changing in all the wrong ways.

Last Sunday I read a blog post by an author who would probably place himself in the third group. His article was well-written and passionate. It was Why I’m Struggling With Church, by Bishop Bob Hellmann. In it, he introduced the subject this way:

“I’ve tried. I really have! In fact, I’ve tried hard! I’ve tried to wrap my mind around so many things the modern church is doing and I’ve tried to bring myself into agreement with it. I don’t enjoy swimming against the current, and swimming alone, at that. I’ve wanted to change and fit in! I wish I could change and fit in. I’ve seen others change. Why can’t I?

So I’m going to tell you what I am struggling with. Maybe you can help me!”

He then lists nine problems he has with the way a lot of churches do church today, including the casual clothes, the music, the youth emphasis… you know the list. He ends the article with, “So, I guess I’m destined to keep swimming against the current. Anyone want to swim with me?”

His article has been passed around a lot. And the comments he’s received on it are filled with “amens”, “preach its” and even one “Yessssssssssssssir”.

I wish I could be one of those agreeable commenters. I like being agreeable. But I can’t on this one. Here’s why. Read more

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