
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

How to Effectively Reach and Retain Millennials

Three ways churches can find and keep young adults

In my book Lost and Found: The Younger Unchurched and Churches that Reach Them, we focused on the generation often called "Millennials" today. The first part of the book dealt with the views of the unchurched. However, we didn't just want to write a book about what was wrong. So, the last part of the book dealt with churches that were successfully reaching young adults.

My coauthors and I were very thankful to be named to Leadership Journal's Golden Canon book awards, and many people said they were helped by the resource to have a reasoned (rather than sky-is-falling) look at the generation and it's challenges.

I'm often asked to summarize some thoughts on the book, and did so in a recent conference call, which we've turned into an article here at the blog.

We identified characteristics of churches that were engaging young adults by reaching and keeping them as part of the church. Here are three significant ways in which churches can effectively reach and retain Millennials. Read more
Stetzer points out in this article that the overall trend is that contemporary churches are reaching and engaging young people, not liturgical churches. This fact may bother some folks but it is a statistical reality. 
Photo: mudpreacher

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