
Saturday, September 20, 2014

ISIL/ISIS poses both local and global threat

Beginning with several articles examining the ISIL/ISIS threat in and outside of the Mid-East, I have gathered together a number of articles on the terrorist organization that has shocked the world with its violence and brutality in the name of religion.

Four Reasons ISIS Is a Threat to the American Homeland
How ISIS Works
ISIS' Apocalyptic Magazine Vows to Attack Israel, US Troops as It Conquers Persia, Rome and Arab States
Inside ISIS: Fighters Promised '72 Eternal Virgins in Heaven' While Christian Women Raped as Husbands Beheaded, Says Ex-Member
4 Possible Terrorists May Have Tried to Enter US Through Texas-Mexico Border, Says House National Security Subcommittee Chairman
Muslim Man Says He Killed New Jersey Teen Brendan Tevlin as Payback for US Action Against Muslims in Middle East
Is ISIS Trying to Assassinate Pope Francis?
Does ISIS' latest hostage video mark a change of tactics?

Reactions to President Obama’s proposed strategy for the defeat of ISIL/ISIS
We must tell the truth about ISI because President Obama won't
Obama's $500 Million Price Tag to Arm, Train Syrian Rebels, Raises Concerns
US shouldn't divulge IS combat plans: Saudi prince

Reaction to ISIL/ISIS in Australia
Terror raids: Exposing the hidden players in the conspiracy that cross the globe
Australia terror crackdown sees armed police in parliament

Reaction to ISIL/ISIS in France
France is ditching the ‘Islamic State’ name — and replacing it with a label the group hates
The Islamic State Is Upset With The French Government's New Name For Them
Rise in extremists recruiting French women, girls
France launches first air strikes on IS in Iraq

Reaction to ISIL/ISIS in Germany
From gangsta rapper to Islamist militant

Where does Turkey stand?
ISIS Draws a Steady Stream of Recruits From Turkey
Turkish President’s Allies Increasing Pressure on Times and Reporter
Turkey Takes in ‘Terrorists’ from the Muslim Brotherhood
Turkey may welcome Muslim Brotherhood brass after ouster from Qatar
Turkish hostages freed, jihadists advance in Syria
Turkey secures release of 49 hostages seized in northern Iraq
ME experts: Turkey holds key role in stopping oil smuggle by Islamic State

Situation in Iraq
Islamic State creates police force in northwest Iraq
How an ISIS attempt to free prisoners in Baghdad could spiral into something much worse
Iraq: Girls as young as three sold as sex slaves

Situation in Syria
Syrian Kurds warn of mounting crisis as ISIS advances, takes more villages
Thousands Flee Into Turkey Fearing Imminent ISIS Attack On Kurdish Town Of Kobani
Syrian Rebel Groups Alleged to Have Reached a Ceasefire With ISIS in Damascus

Situation in Nigeria
As Boko Haram tries to capture a capital, how prepared is Nigeria's Army?

Anti-Muslim sentiment on the rise in the United States
Anti-Islam Ads Will Soon Be Plastered On New York City Buses
Oklahoma Muslim leaders concerned after lawmaker calls Islam 'a cancer in our nation'

Call for a Christian safe zone in Iraq
New urgency for an old idea: Nineveh

A reminder
A Warning Against Apathy

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