
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

ISIS and Islam: Four Views

Does ISIS Represent True Islam?

The gruesome and tragic reports of persecution—against Christians, moderate Muslims, and others—carried out by the terror group ISIS continue to dominate the headlines. A coalition of nations is now ready to take significant military action to stop the genocide in places like Iraq and Syria, including authorization of the U.S. military to arm and train Syrian rebels. Not since the aftermath of 9/11 has such a broad array of countries appeared so intent on joining together to combat the human rights abuses of ideologically driven extremists.

But do the ideologies of ISIS and similar groups reflect a traditionally accepted interpretation of the Qur'an, or are their tactics a modern perversion of true Islam? Read more

The Way Ahead

In this essay, Tony Blair sets out seven principles of understanding that he believes should underpin a comprehensive strategy to counter religious extremism.... Read more

What Went Wrong? - Why History Has Left Islam Behind

On a lazy afternoon this summer in a rented house near Bridgehampton, I picked up a book written by Princeton professor Bernard Lewis. After reading the opening chapters, I realized that I had read it before. But it was just as good the second time as the first. It's title was: What Went Wrong? The Clash Between Islam and Modernity in the Middle East.

Many books on Islam either demonize it, or idolize it. Some portray Islam as a religion of violence (Mohammed had swords), as vicious (stonings. beheadings and amputations are acceptable punishments), and as backward and intolerant.

At the other extreme you find Islam portrayed in academia as peaceful, tolerant, richly artistic, culturally significant, and so on. Of course, the Islamic studies departments in many American universities are splendidly endowed by predominantly Muslim countries. However, this seems to escape critical notice.

Given these contrasting portrayals of Islam, the need for balanced, reputable critiques of Islam is glaringly obvious. Read more

Why Did Obama Say ISIL is Not Islamic? Because He’s not a Fool

In his speech to the American people last night outlining his strategy (finally!) for combating ISIL, President Obama made a statement which has been cited as an example of his stupidity, ignorance, treason, or deceit:
ISIL is not Islamic. No religion condones the killing of innocents, and the vast majority of ISIL’s victims have been Muslim
How can ISIL not be “Islamic” when Islamic is the first word in the acronym? Twitchy gives a short round up of some of the Twitter reactions to this statement, which are overwhelmingly negative. Read more

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