
Thursday, September 04, 2014

ISIS terror threat gives impetus to 'just war,' strategists say

With ISIS beheading a second American journalist and controlling a large section of Iraq and Syria, analysts say military action against the terrorist group aligns with traditional just war principles.

"Full application of just war principles does not only warrant airstrikes but a far more vigorous level of engagement as well," Daniel Heimbach, a seminary professor who was instrumental in developing the just war ethic for the 1991 Gulf War, told Baptist Press in written comments.

War with ISIS -- the acronym for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria -- has been discussed increasingly following ISIS videos showing the beheading of two American journalists -- James Foley in an Aug. 19 video and Steve Sotloff on Sept. 2.

The U.S. has launched airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq and is considering similar action in Syria.

Douglas Carver, executive director of chaplaincy at the North American Mission Board, agreed with Heimbach that there is just cause to wage war against ISIS. Read more

See also
IS (Islamic State): A Civilizational Threat

Photo: Baptist Press

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