
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Learning to Lead: Two Articles and a Video

As a Leader, What I Value Most

One of the things I have all my coaching clients do is to create a list of “Core Values” for themselves. Values are like the banks of a river, a road map, or a compass. They help us decide what to do and what kind(s) of people we invite into our teams. Read more

Leadership Lessons: A Q&A with Ron Edmondson [Video]

Ron Edmondson recently talked with Church Leaders about growing and developing as a leader. Watch now

Why Leaders Fail

Recently I had a discussion with some friends about some public leadership fails in the news. I could name them, but you likely already know who they are. Our conversation turned to a general topic of leadership and things we’ve observed. What struck us was how these things evolve from little, seemingly insignificant decisions that form the culture out of which unhealthy leadership grows. In other words, nobody wakes up one day and says to himself, “I’m going to strive to be an authoritarian leader who wreaks havoc on the people I serve.” It just doesn’t happen that way. Leaders start with good intentions. They start as “normal” people. So how do leaders fail? I think there are five basic mistakes leaders make.... Read more

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